Intuitive Painting: 8 Tips for Exploring Intuitive Painting | Mindful art practice

Intuitive painting is when you paint without a plan and from inspiration. Here is a list of tips to start painting intuitively.

Do you wonder how intuitive painting works? Do you get completely frustrated with it? Or are you intrigued and fascinated by it? Whatever your answer, intuitive painting is a medium that appeals to a wide variety of people. Intuitive painting is when you paint spontaneously without a plan, free of judgement as way to express your creativity. Here is an easy guide to explore intuitive painting which explains the ins and outs of intuitive painting and ways it can be explored by absolute beginners to painting.

Intuitive Painting - 8 Tips for Exploring Intuitive Painting

Intuitive painting is when you paint without a plan and from inspiration. It's a creative process that can be incorporated with ease for creative self-care practices. But if you have never tried it before or want to try it, then this post will help you decide on how you could get started with painting in a way that feels liberating, relaxing and nourishing to your well-being. So, let's help you understand what intuitive painting involves and why you should give it a go!

What is Intuitive Painting?

Intuitive painting is a form of painting that is based on intuition and inner feelings, rather than on pre-planned ideas or external reality. It is a way of allowing the subconscious mind to take control, and to express itself through the medium of paint and canvas. It can be a very powerful and therapeutic process, as it can help to access hidden parts of the self, and to release emotions and memories that may be causing blockages in our lives.

Why paint Intuitive art?

There are many reasons why someone might choose to paint intuitively. For some, it can be a way to connect with their innermost thoughts and feelings. It can be a form of self-expression or a way to explore their creativity. Additionally, intuitive painting can help to quiet the mind and bring a sense of peace and calm since it involves enjoying the creative process rather than obsessing over perfection or the outcome.

Additionally, due its relatively unstructured and serendipitous nature, intuitive painting can be one of the best ways to overcome creative blocks as it often leads to innovation and new ideas. Since, intuitive painting is a form of painting that relies more on spontaneity and the flow of creativity, rather than pre-planning or strict adherence to rules, it lead to some very interesting and unique results that you may not have thought of before. If you're feeling stuck in a creative rut, intuitive painting may be just what you need to get those juices flowing again.

Intuitive painting invites you to be present in the moment without judgement. If you have never tried this form of painting before and would love to give it a go, then here is a list of tips you can incorporate into your painting process to start painting intuitively.

  • Be curious about what might show up on the page and be open to possibilities that may result out of imperfections considering them as part of creative process. With an attitude of curiosity, you will be seeing mistakes as possibilities. Ask yourself 'what if I did this' or 'what if I tried that?' This can add an element of fun and spontaneity in your work.
  • Trust and co-create with your imagination. And let your imagination shape the direction of the artwork. Think like a child looking for bunny rabbit shapes in the clouds to be able to tease out shapes from the painting.
  • Work on multiple pieces simultaneously. This way of painting can prevent you from fixating on certain sections or getting things ‘right’ and offer you fresh perspective every time you return to the project. When you have different pieces going at the same time, it also allows for a lot more experimentation. So, if you’re feeling stuck with one painting, you can always try something new with another. This is a great way to help yourself become a more versatile and innovative artist.
  • Be bold and break some rules: Scribble or write on your paintings. Use non-arty tools such as bubble wraps to print or spoons to paint. Use your non-dominant hand to paint and see what results out of it. The rules of fine art are actually guidelines, and they aren't set in stone. Breaking the rules opens possibilities for innovation and adds to the fun of the creation process.
  • Be spontaneous: Mix and match different elements of your artistic practice. Collage or print using lost and found objects instead of only using brush and paint. Try painting with your hand guided by your favourite music. These will result in artworks that reflect your creative spirit.
  • Avoid fearing mistakes or imperfections: Accept and consider them as opportunities for exploration or learning what doesn’t work. Be open to whatever is offered to you. We all have the gift of creativity and simply need to be open to express it without fear of judgement. When we paint without fear of judgement, we are able to tap into our innate source of inspiration and create something authentic and beautiful.
  • Silence your inner critic : It’s easier to create from a place of love than fear. So, breathe as you create and allow the intuitive painting narrative to emerge. You see, the act of painting is an act of creation, and when you allow yourself to be intuitive in your approach, you tap into something much greater than yourself. The painting becomes a living thing, with its own story to tell. Whether that story is about the vibrant colours that dance across the canvas, or the characters that come to life within the painting, is up to you. But either way, it is a story worth telling. The path is up to you.
  • Choose to enjoy the creative process: Life is about making choices. Intuitive painting allows us to practice the idea of defining life's journey through mindful choices. As we create, we can consciously choose to 'enjoy' the process and remain open to whatever the outcome may be. Once you stop obsessing over the outcome or perfection, it is much easier to see mistakes as opportunities and paint with a sense of adventure and curiosity. This allows you to experiment and play with your medium, discovering new techniques and ways of expression.

Where can I learn more about Intuitive Painting?

There are many ways to learn about Intuitive Painting. You can find books, online courses, and even in-person workshops. The best way to learn is to dive in and start painting! Try different techniques and see what feels right for you. There is no wrong way to do intuitive painting, so don't be afraid to experiment. Just choose what you ‘feel’ would be a good place to start and get going on your creative journey.

If you want to learn more about how this works, check out my Secret Garden Art Master Class where I show you how to create and meditate using mixed media.

© 2023 tranquilcanvasartacademy

Categories: Beginners Guide, creative me-time, Paintyourhappy, Tips and techniques, Wellbeing

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